Admire the gold rush legacy of Fremantle’s West End, spotting the items left behind by a hasty thief. Scavenger-hunt style, the answers to the clues are completely visual (spot the actual item, not text), making this walk suitable for the little detectives who aren’t confident with text yet.
(For a longer and more challenging Fremantle puzzle walk that takes in Fremantle’s colonial and convict history as well as its gold rush heritage, check out the original Fremantle detective trail.)
- Start location: Fremantle Railway Station
- Distance: 2 km
- Time to complete: around 2 hours
- Bring: bathers for a detour to Bathers Beach
- Best side trip: Paper Birds bookstore
- Best day and time: Sunday morning for Storytime at Paper Birds and a visit to the markets
- Save your treat stomach for: Kuld Creamery (Essex St)
- Difficulty: so Watson it’s almost Lestrade