- The same singularly proud and reserved nature which turned away with disdain from popular notoriety was capable of being moved to its depths by spontaneous wonder and praise from a friend.
- Watson’s narrative, in Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Hubby and I did the Northbridge walk last weekend and our adult children did it this weekend. We all thoroughly enjoyed it which is why we decided to purchase the rest of them, that way we can never say we have nothing to do on a weekend!

We did the trail through Northbridge yesterday. It was fantastic! We will definitely be doing another one these holidays. My daughter in the wheelchair is very limited on school holiday activities but this was just perfect.

We just did the Central Perth walk and it was FABULOUS. I've lived here forever and passed by so many of the streets but never explored them. A truly imaginative way of exploring the city
Will definitely do another one in the future. (And the kids had fun too!)

Michelle C.
As a group of 65+ aged ladies we had so much fun, many laughs, learnt heaps and thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles. I’ve had three emails from the girls, thanking me for doing the puzzle as it was so much fun!! Really made our stay on Rottnest special.

We had a great time this afternoon walking the Central Perth trail! It was a great way to see parts of the city we hadn't been to in years. My kids (12 & 9) kept saying how clever the clues were. We are looking forward to doing the next one!

We had a great time completing the Fremantle walk. We had a wonderful day out and saw more of Fremantle than we usually do. We are planning to do the Kings Park one next week after all the fun we had!

I just wanted to say thank you for your fantastic Fremantle walk. Today myself and my 3 children, 12, 10 and 7 spent 4 hours wandering Freo completing the puzzle. We all loved it, such a fun day and even my 12 yr old son commented on how much he learned. We are off to Rottnest and will definitely be doing your walk there.

Did the Easy Breezy Freo walk today, great day out, our granddaughters (9, 6, 5 & 3) had an absolute ball. Loved that it was all pram/wheelchair friendly, so we could take and involve all. You have young minds working overtime, thank you, a weekend away from iPads and TV is great.

We enjoyed the Perth Sweet and Savoury walk - especially the Percy Button stop as Percy used to stop in at my family's plumbing shop, which was where IGA now is in Leederville. I'm very proud of my State and thanks for bringing its history to life.

My friend and I did the King's Park walk today. It was a really clever and well put together detective trail. We truly enjoyed it and I will be sure to tell my friends about it.

We have done three of your puzzle walks so far, and the kids love them. Thank you!

We were looking for something a little different to do that didn’t cost an arm and a leg. We have 4 kids ranging from 4-16 so sometimes finding an activity to suit all is tricky. We went on the Guildford puzzle trail and had such a blast. I cannot believe we grew up in the hills and never knew the incredible history of somewhere so close to us. All the kids loved it! Next stop... Freo.

Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put into creating the detective walk trails. We have just completed the Toodyay one and the kids had such a great time. It is a fantastic and clever way to bring a bit of history into our days out; for both the kids and adults 😊 We are definitely going to work our way through all of them.

My husband and I did the Northbridge trail on the weekend and played tourist in our own city. What a great way to get exercise and to learn about our city at the same time. Will definitely be doing another trail - next time will be taking friends.

Today, our family did the Rottnest Detective Trail and loved it! We learned so much more about Rottnest than we thought possible and were proud that, as a family, we solved the mystery.

My son and i participated in the Fremantle walk for his 24th birthday. We had a wonderful time.
Thank you for designing these, and we are both looking forward to planning the next one some time in the near future.
